All she has to do is read under Carston Shields post and theres a whole conversation over at least a week. I taught the Book of Mormon last year. Not sure how you think a God of truth would need to use fiction to teach his truth. What you call lying I call allowing those around me to exist in peace. :). The often projected belief that men have tried mimicking scripture and always failing is actually false. God can. Will there be a judgement day for each of us? What does it matter if the stories are true when they teach real lessons and were truly inspired? If that isnt Gods judgement I dont know what is. He knows more than he says and he tells us what we can handle. It wont fit with LDS belief and could destroy your personal value. Again, I have lost all hope in the people of this world. However, a weakness in humanity is that many would rather follow someone like Moses instead of using the Spirit itself as a guide. Deceiving people is what psychopathy is all about. Christopher Nemelka | Mixed Reality Wiki | Fandom Sigue a Christopher Marc Nemelka y explora su bibliografa en la Pgina del autor de Christopher Marc Nemelka en 19 And Enoch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people of God. Nemelka claims that in an advanced human world, freedom to do what you want is the norm: Ive been there, folks. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. Nemelka claimed that he too, met the advanced human beings that Joseph met. He believes that every human is a god and all people are advanced human beings going through a mortal experience. He says, Our creators live in another galaxy way, far away, but not in a Star Wars type., His [Joseph Smiths] last sermon was simply that, that human beings are gods. I take my covenants seriously through Christ, not through the arm of flesh that administered my temple name. And to respond without judgement and always offering friendship when possible. The LDS faith teaches repentance and forgiveness. Germany felt they were attacked by an unfair peace agreement. YUNG INNANET, Kirtaner of 420chan presents Anonymous: The Second Coming. An advanced human world that one day will be introduced to this world, but we have a lot to go through before that. Ive watched many shows and films with Christian standards that sometimes quite effectively teach the same principles. 4. For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. SPEND MY TIME AND MONEY ON ME!'. February 6, 2015. God will never send a man to undo what another man has done in his name. And Christopher didnt make it up. I will verify with you that the LDS church, for what it is, is unlike anything upon this earth in richness and the doctrine of Christ. So to your ideology and religious belief, if you read it with real intent and in humility believing it could be true in faith, asking the Father in the name of the Son, it can be confirmed as being true. 2nd Nephi 26: That the readers may know to what lengths the adversary will go, we must shine the light on the machinations involved. Can you not see how strange that sounds to a person who beileves in and eternal god that has given us scripture as one of the guides in our lives? Josephs mission was to do one thing, and one thing only, to counterbalance the biblical world that transformed our world into one of arrogance, pride, hate, bigotry, and inequality.. The LDS as a group dont go around trying to disprove others. Upon reading The Sealed Portion, these members realized how important the Book of Mormon and The Sealed Portion were to the salvation of the human race. What matters is whats real and the only thing thats real is compassion. If we are truly to leave judgement to God, why all this Luciferian garbage about Gods judgement when the scriptures make it very plain that you arent allowed to do this? New doesnt mean true, you can throw Mien Kampf, Origin of the Species and the Communist Manifesto into that category. liberally to him that asketh. I have no need to convert everyone or even one. I am not going to explain anything else about what I have been asked to do. Lucifer is the master of judgement. When we realize how terrible our actions were upon this earth, we know our Heavenly Mothers were correct and that we cannot be Gods like our Heavenly Parents are. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. Can you say the same? I will continue to live until I have completed my mission and the role that I have chosen for myself as a mortal experiencing life upon this earth. Before he tried to quit, Christopher wanted to present whatever portion of the Real Truth he was allowed to reveal at that time. Dont get me wrong, I do love the general authorities. When the truth is presented we refuse to accept. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Tony Saiki - Facebook Chris and Ida | Runtu's Rincn I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. I am such a woman! It is somewhat like gender here as the church describes it. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. So few know the truth but its no reason to leave them or to reject them. First of all Jesus said, By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them The United States is the Most Corrupt Nation on the Earth. The God I know is a kind and loving God, and he forgives us for all our trespasses. That action is called repentance, restitution, guilt to correct or apologize. Judgement. I will accomplish this through a series of discussions published as The REAL TRUTH ZEITGEIST. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. You need to remember standard Christians think the same way about the LDS people. Christopher Nemelka - Seeking YHWH to the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end (a new American scripture, the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14). My parents didnt call me Real Truth by Fire, how perceptive of you. He told Korihor that he had to save the church and to lead the members away from the domination of the leaders of the church. It will all be taken care of for you and there are no consequences. Christopher intended for Human Reality-Who We Are and Why We . He was protecting what he felt to be right and true and what he personally valued in opposition to the rest of the world. Dont mistake my disclosure of the truth that I believe as aggression, except when I respond to what I perceive as an attack. Why are we wasting time with it. Because it is under his direction that I am here today. Much of what you say is supported by Christophers work. Is Christ what he claims to be? On 12/22/2016 at 3:21 PM, smac97 said: I will respectfully disagree with that last one. Perhaps that we are forgiven is the most powerful and meaningful joy that we can have in this life. So it is in this world. If you didnt receive the same message from both works, you havent fully read and understood them. Yea, I will no longer be a messenger to anyone who does not, with a sincere heart and real intent, desire to know what I know, and then, upon knowing it, fully respect and support it. Up to this point, all of their prophecies have been fulfilled, except those prophecies that have to do with the complete destruction of the human race. 20 Wo unto them that call evil When I look through this website everything is well quoted. In fact, our Book of Mormon condemns almost all of the modern Mormon religion's doctrines and teachings. Perhaps I am not the Korihor you believe I am and that you have forgotten to look in the mirror, in self reflection, of what you have personally become. That makes every person on earth a worthy candidate for priesthood power as long as they choose to serve Christ, instead of their own selfishness by supporting a system that refuses to accept an end to poverty, and worldwide suffering, through unrighteous dominion and slavery to a broken economic system. Many men repent for that which is not a sin before God, but repent for what men taught them to be a sin before God. Nemelka is in many ways just a 21st century version of Mormonisms founding prophet. Christopher Nemelka and the "Sealed Portion" - Miscellaneous - Mormon We call this understanding the Real Truth. You say, New doesnt mean true, you can throw Mien Kampf, Origin of the Species and the Communist Manifesto into that category. There is no more purpose in it. I want to share a secret with you of the Spirit I think you would find helpful. I could never believe in someone who quotes the Bible and Book Of Mormon and affiliated scriptures who promotes it and desecrates it simultaneously, providing utter confusion to the weak in faith, and lacks obviously true spiritual values. Lucifer judges us every day, makes us feel miserable, makes us feel unworthy to receive of the Father. They support one another. Christopher Nemelka: My Guardian Angel | The Internet Chronicle Again, I ask, what is more important, Christ as a man or the gospel he taught? When one considers that Nemelka's work not only allegedly contains the sealed portion of the plates Joseph Smith did not translate, but also the 116 pages of lost manuscript and a history of how Nemelka obtained and . Christopher Nemelka - Facebook Ive seen an advanced society of human beings where theres no judgment at all. All that good/evil stuff is true to a point, but I dont really know your point. The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. He couldnt, but he is now. The Autobiography of Christopher Marc Nemelka. Suddenly, I remembered the man in white and knew that God had sent Christopher Nemelka to help me. We excelled at scripture mastery, went on missions, married in the temple, and diligently started families. The truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Atonement. I go to church every week. Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. Its about foreigners (Romans) that land on the American continent, yes. he that putteth his trust in the It becomes a choice at that point as to weather we repent or justify. I hope you believe what you have written, because I have serious doubts starting with Lehi being described a descendant of Ephraim. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. Anyone who has seen the endowment knows more about the gospel and God than one who hasnt. There is a plurality of Gods, each one guides an individual human spirit. I know he wasnt a perfect man, nor are any of us, and I am sure that he did things that he would like to go back and rectify, and I dont know why the Lord chose Joseph to be his modern day prophet, but what Joseph did as a prophet of the Lord is perfect in every way. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. Based on what we both believe, The true Christ would not have us worship him or revere him any more than that of another man. It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. Up to this point, all of their prophecies have been fulfilled, except those prophecies that have to do with the complete destruction of the human race. We cant judge each other effectively because we cant see the heart. You didnt answer my questions. Surely every Elder in this religion should be aware or have knowledge of these earlier writings, but yet I cannot find one bit of information concerning them on the internet, although I will continue searching until I do . That I can love them and care for them as best I can. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. Actually, by removing the first 4 above, in greatly enhances personal responsibility. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Wonder what spirit he was listening to. that he was enticed by the one or Do you not know the answers, or just dont want to answer? It's decision time First off, I would like to thank Utah State University - Jon M. Huntsman School of Business for the amazing opportunities I've had | 50 comments on LinkedIn 2. Although his work includes some great insight and direction on many truths, he has subtly introduced all 5 of the above referenced items in very clever ways to may them not seem so obvious. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830 Book of Mormon, I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004 The Sealed Portion. LostMormonism grew out of our noteskeeping track of all the weird and wacky things we learned about Mormon history. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. Doesnt the LDS church teach murderers and adulterers and thieves and other sinful individuals also inherit a kingdom of glory? The procedure went well lopped off both my tits but my recovery took longer than anticipated because after being discharged from the hospital, I found myself unable to sleep for more than 12 or 16 hours at a time, as I am wont to do. God does not change his words. Even his own close helpers are financially supported by him, especially those who he could not refuse in the past for their offerings. How do you accept Smiths similar claims made under an equally erroneous position but not this man. Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. I guess there is weakness in the written language. 2nd Nephi 28: Good is to love others and treat them with respect, but it also means standing against evil to protect those you love, no matter how much they cry out that I should love them and not resist their ideas. I am not exaggerating, I am publishing a book about being the transitional target of that young woman. Your Name? That will hold you in a lower kingdom where you cannot progress, which validates Lucifers original position, its too hard, they can success and I will prove it. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the. But it is not all there is. What they do and believe has nothing to do with my own salvation. He says, I know these advanced human beings. will be in the future. Muslims are seen as radical religious nuts. Some misconceptions here about what I meant. If you want to follow prophets all the days of your lives because you need their guidance and are not very good at using the Holy Ghost, the Sealed Portion will only hinder your understanding of the plan of the Father. That we love one another? That He weeps, that his own tears wet his feet, because of the wickedness among us. Is Christ what he claims to be? He has drawn people in with a very well written series of books that arent much more than expanded commentary on the BOM. No man, even one who claims such authority, can raise themselves above the status of being the arm of flesh. Of course, one could ask, if we are to listen to no other man, no other woman, why should anyone listen to him? You dont understand the difference between real truth and normal truth of this world. How can you judge me into the Religious Minded category as if that is a something wrong, yet you are a member of a religion and are talking about religion. Joseph and Hyrum met their demise while incarcerated at the Carthage Jail in June 1844. 4. I guess that would be pretty flattering to me, but that is not my desire at all. that put bitter for sweet, and Sleep came to me like a best friend, and I sank into the softness of her arms. Salt Lake Tribune religion reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack recalls her interview with "Mormon bomber" Mark Hofmann and the fear that swept through the LDS history community in the wake of his . Correct? Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. the other. You repeated some of it again, that the church is holding us back and not telling us everything. To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. They need to know the truth.. Since that time, I have slept peacefully every night and fully recovered from the cancer. by the power of the Holy Ghost. It is a main theme to the Book of Mormon! The young woman I met the LDS Church through was the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. If I go to a UFO convention and I talk to believers in aliens, its the same thing to me. You say to leave judgement to God and yet you are judging. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. If the prophets can do the same, they lie no more than I. Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. Anonymous say The Humanity Party is fake and using their - Techworm To accomplish this, they invented, wrote, and published a new Christian narrative about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I can fully explain it. Reviewed in the . This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14.
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