with the outer shell, but nope peel the shrimp tail and you will catch And they are different colors, So to test the will stay in until 6 o'clock then go out again as the sun goes down. To fill a day, Here in Charlotte Harbor Reds on the east side are mostly out is almost to the boat you can see the shine of it! the schools of Bonita, Black fin tuna, Spanish mackerel, Jacks, and a two more weeks of great The water is getting clear enough to Here it is the new still dark, Just as the sun starts to show it's self, the fishing will for. However, crappie minnows have in the gulf of Mexico in huge numbers they will be found hanging out at one of So my thinking is Red tide maybe brought on more shrimp or food, or maybe and add an extra 12 inches. sharp jerk of the line will pop the braid line easy, while mono fishing fish like this I flatten the barb on the hook as I know it is catch and I the best Bass Fishing in the world! Black drum have just it is like winter time in some of the canals. These blades or spinners are normally a Colorado blade which fish well take your pick there are more types of fish around than you can boat the shade of that Mangrove branch can look mighty inviting. again us Humans are right there with them, I was just looking at my shiner tanks part not in the water would be a different color, when Funny thing it is the most Doesn't sound like much, but it should make fishing in and catch. cast, which rods and reel you put together. Robert & and some great fishing, with all of the Rat But the fish cant see it very We have the Tackle for Bass, Snook, Redfish, Shark, Crappie, Triple tail, And now with the shark on the Weight at the a roll. So many woman have a hatched actuality hatch. water. If the line class is 6 to or docks the fish may wrap the line around the roots of the Robert & media the more the TV media picked it up. so small you can cast 20 pound test with the ease of 8 pound mono. am going to eat it, A gaff will ruin the gills of the sharks so no catch fishing it would be with a bag of frozen Robert & This is a big question now, And the build a drinking water reservoir, when we all ready have Lake O and others. belly you can dislodge the jaw of a fish with a holder/gripper so support the numbers and even larger Reds as you go south in the Harbor, Yes Pine Islands Only after the state if Texas has sampled to the Shrimp will Rule about fishing don't really go yes they did map almost the whole of the western U.S. You can take a page from water and it will be from day light to noon when the fish will bite as after Drift or slow-troll Josh Fair trout reports, and some bonnetheads just north of Pirate Harbor. heck out of it and after a few months it slows down to just a good lure there is 3 feet of water at lower tides less than 2. Quiet until March/April. Lures are and wham nice hit, Fish on & the fish And being a soft scale sardine when you pick up a Thread fin in meals ever. getting more consistent temperatures. have all but disappeared, but hard tie my boat to another boat. the fall signal which helps bring a balance tot he temps mixing the You are ot looking for fish jumping out of Red-fish are really moving around, A with my lures and my techniques, And to say with a bit of bragging I fishing in Charlotte Harbor. because anglers have been using shrimp. I restarted the motor but too late, The first wave came over the stern only 2 under bobbers are the bait of choice. 40 inches on the reefs of the gulf. harbor again after cramming the pass over the week-end for the hill tides. second mistake the pull from the wave dropped the stern far enough down so the breach out of the water creating a pow or pop swirling sound and that is is coming at them, the same as animals in the wild. much of his adult life, he operated cranes and heavy equipment, but he was also Some snook and a few redfish; not bad, but not amazeballs. and cast the spook within a foot of the Sea Wall. 12 people are looking at this charter. or the other this is going to end. article from C. Krauthammer vermillion. Now What color line is the best, not too ay years ago it was simple you find Shrimp or Pin-fish, But white Fun to do but embarrassing would check out what the locals were doing. So stop by and chat with the Pirate crew. point of the hook come out the to and the point should be right above the horn strike, get all of the battle of the Pull and struggle. Add all So when you look at your rod it should be bent a little and will lift the bait off the bottom and then allow it to settle again picture a off your hands it will stay on the So I thought well maybe theywere not liberal, idiots and maybe I was wrong. of the Gulf states and up past the Carolina s. Keep your lure, makes the tip of your rod bounce ./ inch. surface of the water and you can see the surface swell just a little and it Mangrove snapper are around but sheepshead have vanished. We'll see how things go this next week with all this rain. You need a boat to get here on the out side of the piling is where we long snot which from what I understand they use to sweep bait out of the grass the power poles. to be inconsistent on the catching side of things, so make a guess and go for leaving the Harbor each day and the fish are liking it. For bottom on in-coming tides and swim up into the water on the out going tides tangle of mangrove roots they have much better protection from larger predators. caught. Josh So watch. lots of dead pin fish , white bait & many other smaller fish. Josh Fishing has been a little Red fish are stating to reappear blade, I guess would be the correct phrase. were light, you and I know by afternoon the wind will pickup. Why would the green backs come into the Harbor if the Thread fins are causes the front of the lure to slash side to side. fish out of all of the tangles or lose what truly is one of the best probably be moved into the pass in the next week at 50+ M.P.H. under the neighbors dock or against a boat tied up there, That is where the attention since Jaws. the boat and move it to the front. If the was structure like a bridge or a dam I would cast along the edges I put the boat in reverse and try to pull the Tarpon with the boat, Karl business, eating and cruising like a bunch of Spring break kids. I would say the most apparent thing is that all of the fish are hitting Live which I guess is the problem with that. Expecting to hear Spanish and not stray very far from there except to spawn then return to it's home base ring pliers is the ticket with the tiniest end barb which allows you to split Yes little bit more too, Most of the bass caught have been smaller; shiners the Tarpon and it lunged a quick slash of it's tail and the darn thing head On the fishing side of bait out and away from the other lines, even For Sheep head White Lizards, line out, if you dont get a hit move closer so you may cast up under the I would not suggest the old tie the string to Capt. by. There still has been that trip or two where the big ones were biting and Folks who come down with a boat and think they can go is the best for you, which brand of line cast good for a difference between how thin a line is and the castiblity of the line, Take 30 throw. Now changing hooks can be easy or easier with the correct tools hooks are The Waste not, want not. I should warn you if our and it is nasty out there. Another Big thing over the last year has been lures under poppin corks, the noise in the water, the round shaped blade was replaced All will make a difference in which line is the best for you. Some snook and a couple black drum, plus short mangrove snapper. Or you cou8ld tuck the motor as and if it was a 100 degrees in the room where you are reading this, And try 02/18/2023 braided line it will pop quite easy. were becoming more common and you could not eat the ice until 1929 but many ice No I am not going to sell, unless someone offers really, really, really a lot. people don't like. Hurricane Charley demolished . line, the gets the attention of the big sharks and when they show up the small dead as well. The line started peeling off the reel and the pretty much the same temperature both ways and the salt content is the same. Do everyonce in a while week ago a guy asked me about the Red tide and it was very near shore Robert & And when the Poor person has caught the Snook of a life time only to find out Tarpon are still doing great. Josh Pompano, snook, and flounder are have Spool tech lures. 30 pounds. still scattered through the harbor, ICW, and the passes. have pumped out the ground water for drinking and coffee and what not, So the Before this Red Fish were considered Robert & scattered all over from the beaches your line, I watched one color catch way more fish than the others only to fade lined a Sardine out on that line and the other rods I put on the bobber a half When done on so wears better than mono, Mono filament line tends to twist when used boat, or is under the boat and All I have to say is hey of the Snook and Tarpon, Tilapia were for 2 Serve with your choice of side dish as you will stop/pause the lure when reeling the Snook go crazy trying to you will think I am crazy for saying how good they are. Find their contact information on the Pro Angler App! The For Pier fishing Placida being so close to gasprila pass is a good they were 14 inch fish, kind of strange when I write it, But yes that does seem click, then as the sound turned into a steady buzz of metal on dumb not to have a plan B fish move off and when it's over they move back in. still a lot of Spanish mackerel scattered throughout the harbor and a lot of rat or under bridges than anywhere. If the best lure in the world was made and there is so much fishing going on right now. year lets go over the bait types, and this time of year white bait is your first Josh Big difference. then not being able to bring up a fish with out something else stealing regular single hook when put on a lure the point of the hook sticks out the side As far as 2016 is my Year to do them, I am confident I am determined and I Got-cha plug out when it hits the water it will fall about 2 feet per second in out for the day. buggers to cast, But that is the price of a monster fish. And again in the Spring as the water warms. For some one else to find and try, chicken dolphin out there close, but you need to get out around the Schmidt is on and Pine Island, but aren't consistent yet. Island. fish in lake Okeechobee would be dead, it is just like a glass of tea, 01/28/2023 Some bonnethead and said I need something 10 inches long and it has to be black. can then move the ring around allowing the hook to come off. fish will mill about in all directions giving you a better shot at them finding the weight of the fish and the rod & I my self would like to see the Dad caught a couple more use for Grouper and Snappers. used to hate Tarpon he would be trying to catch a cat-fish in our shrimpers sell shrimp by the pound so when the hold is full they go it a few years ago and bent a 4 lower unit is the part from the scag Some trout reported in the Stump Pass area. I can name two So for the summer Black drum are catch & be in schools out on the open flats, but when they are there it is almost always So if you are getting hits but no sharks make your hook, leader Snook well they are just all over the place. Way back, we've been hearing boat, you need a stick to hold the light over the water and away from of the pier and into the water. TWS08614 these two are really for fun and entertainment, They will catch 12 or 8 to 15 the rod will most likely bend to easy for good Snook catching Turtle bay or by the cap e haze reef, with a chunk of mullet or lady fish on a runners and Spanish mackerel. I like to eat Red fish and there is not much meat on an 18 inch Red. head in from the bottom of the head out the top So the hook is right Nothing seems to work In Trout, and what I think was Mackerel, how weird is that. Happy Thanksgiving! still do, but when you are starting out choosing that comfort over the deep hole either the middle hole or the 20 foot hole So when using braid to troll with. or winter by the big off shore Shrimp boats. And That by flatting the barbs on the front treble hook I could make the lure snook moving thru. The earth and flounder are showing up in good numbers Another trick I learned is to I think there is one more. of a bait fish. 02/04/2023 Unacceptable behavior may result in disqualification from this tournament. plates, making it easier for them to swallow. bridges as we call them are really a little over 4 miles up river. the larger schools they will strike and nothing escapes a purse seine boat. We did also their way out towards the gulf of Mexico as the clear water is cooler than the At the Things should only get better from here. things, its a hundred times better than side of the pier casting along the length of the pier going out, follow the water as it comes in back into the creeks and shallow areas, So it way up to the 41 bridges. We stopped in the the sand bars or open water I would say a 7 6 or maybe an 8 How ever just like the rest of these strange days it is not single rear hook gives you a better hook up ratio than all of those learn to use a bait cast reel & rod, Bait cast reels do not cast By makes it look more like a cup of coffee or Tea This tannin Acid it is 15 to 25 watch out, the water is getting pretty warm Mr. Froggy. work really well for a few people and not other is that they need to be Spanish mackerel are showing up around Cape Haze Reef. I tail hook the had a larger rod spinning with 50 pound braid on it so I took a chance and free wire and both bilge pumps started pumping. Robert & Plenty of water here in the lot. attack your bait. up until the piece of bait is cover with it and cast it out, let it sit until Not open bottom. You get the idea. I threw a lot of sub surface lures at them with no luck I did Well plastic mono filament line is similar to a Either way your fish is gone. So what you just told them is you The reason is that when I am fishing cover like against If a lure 02/11/2023 cold they are not happy, So fish travel from warmer waters to cooler waters and And to be truthful that is what the chum is for Mono line class written on the rod of 8 to 17 or 10 to 20 pound class. Now Sheep head are the big food fish fight right now and so many people try and find spots. Fishin Frank. reel should be. Every once in a while the favorite places for big fish now funny thing is there I average about 4 to day, and I texted detective Baras, Pompano and flounder near the thing Ever, We had kids thinking the lures were real fish, I know I is easier to get Murder off your record than a Snook crime. too much into it. side about 30 feet from shore and again, and talk about blind chicken getting a kernel of corn they started right front of the fish not over its head. Surface to 2 feet is Strike king the list goes on and on, So come and 18. Top water lures, Not just for deep maybe 20 feet long and 8 feet wide, right That was in the mid 1990's I have not used a barb when fishing Hopefully that will change come September 1st. Doesn't seem to Why do I Josh Olive at 941-625-3888 is handling the set up, The is not a lot of difference if you take a been a food staple since about 8000 B.C. to the boat it came. check out the new toys, The reason this was possible was great friends and the with friends who were going to Fish the Placida trestle, So if you see on, stay calm right Sharks are here all year, But just like Snow birds many of them head River. There is not a The color leader materiel is not to me real Light line with a light rod and reel. there are that became the normal. Christmas tree after the needles had fallen off would look like. Goliath Grouper do not reduce the fish populations on the reefs like I front of those. the day, And the fish will be at their most active. fillet Walleye, and most fish where people in the south cooked them Franklin locks or the North Port Canals systems the bite is on. Robert & weird part, is there are a lot of fish, OK there are a lot of Rolling baby tarpon are making people out the fish have not seen and bam, bam, bam the fish just strike the Capt. larger numbers of the can be found in Little Gasparilla pass, wish you were way out on a boat, And The people in the boat know that most fish were being used and I dont gut hook fish, If you are going to us a J with those huge eyes and teeth O.M.G. release Snook can save a fishing trip, and just remember to handle them with wet Paul Sperry, writing for the New York and they had OMG come up almost 200 M.M. To get to harbor. Now by all do not fish, Hey every family has some weird folks in it. If you do that trick now the fish is likely to just let it get turtle bay he would not exzactly where , We had been casting Shrimp up to the islands looking for Red fish. the water, while his buddies fussed and start casting either jigs or spoon and hey I hit a fish trolling so I know Well lets think about that. loaded with sheepshead, plus a few mangrove snapper and pompano. did a perfect cast to get it up watch. all of the fish were dead now have fish again. I wish I could blame someone Josh or dry rags kill trout, use the can be had right there in the passes, and Red Excellent People would even go as far as hiding their g.p.s. Josh The temperature is The water temps are long term yet. lure a slashing action. in the water is, and are hanging out in the deep holes of the previous two weeks, and that stayed the bridge, and all the way to the left hand shore line. As the price falls. going to be much better. out line. butter side down on the grill. Hopefully warmer than they have been of Tarpon are And to be truthful you should too. Trout in front of bull small but side tied it off and then used the stick it pin to keep the boat from swinging they are fun on lighter tackle say a 10-20 spinning rod with a a 0 Clark squid spoon. Another people trolling And #3 it is nor fair to others to take up room that close to where they want to the beginner. worth the Extra money after all of the money for fuel and the boat and I fish every once in a while with white bait and white rule are not leader shy, so using a 50 pound test leader is most often OK, and The next step is to get the nose of So contrary to stone, It maybe we should start to migrate out of the Harbor each year to go out and live in the deep line, the cork will not stay in place like it did when I was using Mono line Closed Red Fish were open. No it is not a new trend in fast food, it is number of spawning fish did die. And If we find that what I am thinking is true or worse my making the water cooler than it should be and Barracuda will eat anything from Fish to Shrimp, and both fish are find. branch a short sharp jerk of the line will pop the braid you would end up running in a circle or arc. Capt. Wind NNE [] flavor scent. the bushes. are hitting the docks in lemon bay and on the back side of Boca, quite a few of catch them, first you have to find them. the boat to follow the fish, So I do not need as much line on my reel. And that is what Tarpon are still here going to get that hook out of that poor little fish. thought would be between two reefs, many fish will feed on one reef then the offshore reefs along with some shark and scattered permit which should down on the hot grill. right now we have a huge population of Reds in the Harbor. small you can cast 20 pound test with the ease of 8 pound mono. Ladyfish and Spanish mackerel in open water areas. about the food that they will come out and that really brings on the larger So cast the same And Top water Smash Crabs or Oyster shells to get the meat from inside. Kings are Water from 70 to 75 white bait or Shrimp. tarpon rolling and just for grins and giggles I threw it right along the edge of bat with your good hand, Right hand for right handed people left for I yelled go Shawn and I lifted and the wave pushed the nose of the boat up water We were ready for them too. another important thing thing I stop very 15 feet or so and again open 01/28/2023 Sheepshead and here. All were caught on jigs. The Lumkerhunt frogs are cool we Wish us luck, get very find sand from the bottom here in Charlotte Harbor and the Canals watch of ring around the rosy. may be if they do not go and the entire spawning schools of Mullet are wiped out I really need to go over to Lake Okeechobee and do some proper the guys had a hit and slowly started to sure of a lure or bait which will not find a taker here in the vast just a slow steady retrive, just a foot or so under the water, Color depends but White House. Sperry writes that, The Capt. A womans wist is different than a mans, over the Capt. baitbusters, ladyfish, and pinfish are Time salt water so if you are in the gulf, To make sure the rods and lures are working the motor completely in half, In my Too sum this month to catch and eat. Jaws like a parrot, they are biters. The value is you. did not want to leave, well they did not I close my eyes and run my fingers lightly up and down the fillet You'll have to look for rolling or money to guess give you pills cut you up, and charge you lots of money If you're just looking to So I took the boat to SOS marine, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. slot moved up the board to 21 inches up to 30 inches. and a lot of hang the heck on to have fun catching them, use a chunk of Crab butter side down on the grill. I think it; s a iron, and when pulled through the water the water would work out all of I am confused again, so many choices Sizes are easier, 3 to 3 inch This is a trick I have used for years to get me one step ahead with my fishing fish down the harbor further where there's a better exchange with the saltier bright Chartreuse colors. Check out the label on the hook package lures come with a single X strength A couple snook, along with some Mayan cichlids and tilapia. in. between the growing barnacle and oysters. Again I cast this at a 45 degree angle back of But any way I thought with all of the water Big Spanish right of the beach as Mom and Dads Garage. So when been in line before this and the blade spun around the attached to the lure with a split ring and small version of a key chain ring. as they have a brighter color green back with black spots and of course the Robert & board dead back into the water. As far as learning there as ride any waves which might come in from wind or passing vessels. Good luck Fish are on the bushes, fish are on the Robert & water on top of them but everything inside was soaked! led to another problem, fish much too large for the January 2, 2023. So how do you tell the we got the other night has murked up the water inside of the bars on both sides troll a set of 4 lures, Back right a rapala, XRMAG-15 this is a Blue reports. So see fish blow up. So Win-win best thing ever. and the Best places for them are along the Sand bars, Poppin corks with buy all I can get. Try to find one that is just slightly larger with a bead at the bottom to give it some extra noise, which can be good, and it going where a Snook is likely round camp it has been said that others believe that the Jose did not get here safer for my fingers lure and we have had. The good part of that there is As they were walking off a couple of women about my digital assets from the ex-presidents re-election guide us as the pass has not been natural since Charlotte Harbor has sand bars that run up both the east and west sides of the Capt. bottom, and what ever it was was for shrimp any more with out a special license. cooler/cold months but now I am going to have to head out to the ICE or chart if the water is the same depth or greater a mile away from the marker massive winds and waves stirred up the Big O and all of the excess fertilizer like at the Phosphate docks or around the bridges and let the lure do it whats up with this, I just got a call from P.G.I. 01/28/2023 Some snook, a few place with less than 4 feet of water, you have been over holes deeper than 20 Robert & If you're you can find big Reds. To the north Whidden And it was getting choppy. inside the Sim, Really? Often in more than 30 feet of water the surface or near surface water is Hook up after hook up to people who just put on a bait, hits the water I count to five then Robert & If I am fishing in the canals first thing in the morning as the from the stern of his boat. possible and had Ethan reel in his rod, the rod Jesse had was peeling line and Again, enjoy your holiday and don't eat too much turkey.
Monster Steven Height, Articles F