O Lord, he was saying, Lord, you called me to be a fisher of men and I failed. (Moody). . Back to John MacArthur's Bio & Resources, David Guzik :: 1 Corintios 7 Principios Sobre el Matrimonio y la Soltera, David Guzik :: 1 Juan 2 Impedimentos para una comunin con Dios, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: Gnesis 2 La CreacinTerminada; Adn en el Jardn del Edn, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), 1 Samuel 1-10 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 15-18 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Third Person of the Trinity (Chuck Smith), Prophecies concerning Judah and Jerusalem (, Redemption of Israel through World Judgment (, First song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Second song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Israels chastisements and final prosperity (, Woe to those who trust in horses and chariots (, A cry for justice against the nations, particularly Edom (, Sennacheribs Attempt to Capture Jerusalem (, Results of the Suffering Servants redemption (, The Lords answer to Israels supplication (. Major Prophets isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur - stmatthewsbc.org If we walk in the light of His Word, we are going to see exactly what Isaiah saw -- that we are undone and men of unclean lips. Pastor John MacArthur. It was when this passed away into shame and disgrace that Isaiah saw the Eternal King on his throne. Hebrew sometimes uses repetition for emphasis By repeating the word "holy," the seraphs emphasize the degree of the Lord's holiness. Isaiah was a contemporary of Hosea and Micah. God sometimes, in righteous judgment, gives men up to blindness of mind, because they will not receive the truth in the love of it. As He was unchangeable in His favor to Jacob, so will He be to His believing posterity. This is a solemn warning for all who are outside of Christ to take heed and to come to Him in faith. Isaiah was not consumed (cf. Strange that inanimate pillars should thus be moved while the hearts of men remained obdurate and motionless! GOD is honored when His truth is preached, no matter what attitude the hearers take toward it, and that Word will not return void, but will accomplish the divine purpose (Is 55:11). And clouds of smoke enwrapped the throne on high. In this verse Isaiah's prophetic warning was given some 150 years in advance of its fulfillment. For the next few days, well consider attitudes of our hearts that open us to prayer. (See context in Be Comforted (Isaiah): Feeling Secure in the Arms of God) (Bolding added), Chapter 6 also serves a literary function as the conclusion to Isaiah 2-5 and the introduction to Isaiah. Ironically, Israel's rejection of prophetic preaching in turn expedites disciplinary punishment, and brings the battered people to a point where they might be ready for reconciliation. Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. Ironside -Even though the Word seemed to have no other effect than to harden them in their sins and rebellion, Isaiah was to proclaim the message faithfully. ), Assyria captured Samaria, capital of the northern kingdom, and carried many of Israels most capable people into captivity (2 Kin. Thus, this verse is another important link in the chain of evidence that proves Jesus Christ to be God. Fear Not, I Am with You, I Am Your God | Desiring God If the foundation is shaky, things will start to crumble. Genesis But not many continue in the chapter to dwell on the specific message Isaiah is told to preach (Isa 6:9,10) because this message shocks us. -Deut 32:15 (used twice); Neh 9:25; Isa 6:10; Jer 5:28. We face the same question because, amazingly, this holy God has said, 'Be holy, because I am holy' (1Pe 1:16). The early church father Jerome likened him to Demosthenes, the legendary Greek orator. 36:237:8). Just as Pharaoh's rejection of Yahweh's ultimatum ignited judgment and foreclosed, at least temporarily, any opportunity for repentance, so the LORD may have come to the point where He has decreed to bring judgment before opening the door for repentance once more. Whats more, the Lord sent an angel to him with a live, cleansing coal from the altar before His throne. The fulfillment of the hardening judgment of the nation, the blinding of their eyes did not set in completely in Isaiah's day. (Luke 5:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11). Interactive Bible study with John Piper. The effect of beholding GOD is to make one realize his own unworthiness and the corruption of his own heart. The prophet Daniel spoke about these days of future national purging, purifying and refiningwriting Now at that timeMichael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. The Israelite's offering implied confession of sin and recognized its due penalty as death; and God passed over his sin in anticipation of Christ's sacrifice which did, finally, put away those sins "committed beforehand" [OT times] (Heb 9:15-note, He 9:26-note; Ro 3:25-note). How different from some Christians who rush out to serve Christ before taking time to meet the Lord and be cleansed. Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, third and fourth terms He could maintain his integrity in the presence of his friends who were attempting to tear him to bits. They stoop and worship. Isa 6:10 arranges these into a rounded structure (heart, ears, eyes, eyes, ears, heart) thus emphasizing a total inability to comprehend These were the days in which the decisive word was spoken and refused. Pauline Epistles Isaiah was thus cleansed and equipped for praise, intercessory prayer, and the proclamation of God's word. (1 Jn 1:9-note). Luke Have we covered ourselves-not with the pure wings of the holy cherubim, but with sackcloth and ashes before the Lord? The beaming forth of Christ's glory in the soul reveals its hidden evil; the knowledge of this evil lays the believer low before God with the confession, "I abhor myself. 29:9,10; 42:18; 43:8; Deut. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, There is no task laid upon us by the Lord which we shall not have power from Him to fulfill, when everything that would hinder our communion with Him has been removed. God's promises (whether to do good and bad [judgment]) are so certain that Scripture frequently speaks of them as already accomplished. This living coal represents the cleansing blood of Christ that keeps on cleansing us from all sin. From the outset the Lord might as well command Isaiah to harden the people, because his preaching will end up having that effect. Campbell Graham 5. The related root word adon can be used of God or man. GIVE. God will destroy it (Is 6:11, 12) and therefore judicially blinds them to further light. The Old Testament Blessed spectacle!-a soul prostrate before the glory of the incarnate God! Sin carries with it its own consequences so that rejection of God itself produces insensitivity to God. The fishing expedition has brought in its first catch. The Gospels But he was not perfect. From heavy derives the idea of a "weighty" person in society, one who is honorable, impressive, worthy of respect, the meaning in >50% of uses. 16:7) and the Assyrian king gladly responded, sacking Gaza, carrying all of Galilee and Gilead into captivity, and finally capturing Damascus (732 B.C.). 1Ti 1:15 (63-66AD) It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. They dare not gaze at the glory of Jehovah! A Vision of God in a Time of Crisis (Isaiah 5-6) - YouTube 0:00 / 58:41 A Vision of God in a Time of Crisis (Isaiah 5-6) 104,881 views Mar 24, 2017 1.7K Dislike Share Grace to You 645K. Isaiah, the son of Amoz, ministered in and around Jerusalem as a prophet to Judah during the reigns of 4 kings of Judah: Uzziah (called Azariah in 2 Kings), Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (1:1), from ca. But God is promising that just as a tree may sprout again from a stump, so there will be a remnant of the nation that will survive. Renditions: Notice the extent of his sense of sinfulness. As Harrison suggests (TWOT) the idea of burning suggest as that "These beings were brilliant as flaming fire, symbolic of the purity and power of the heavenly court. Colossians Remembering that the best commentary on Scripture is Scripture, it behooves the sincere student of God's Word to try and discern a similar action elsewhere in the Scriptures. 10 Many (OF ISRAEL) will be purged, purified and refined (ZECHARIAH IS QUANTIFYING HOW "MANY" = 1/3), but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. 18:7). Simon Peter represents all disciples. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament, Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament, Hide Me In Your Holiness - a beautiful old Maranatha chorus, How Deep The Father's Love For Us - Fernando Ortega, Here Am I Send Me - Powerful Missionary Quotes with Musical Background, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament, Isaiah 1-39: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition, The Bridge Illustration = The Romans Road to Salvation, Collected writings of W. E. Vine. And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. The repetition of the word 'holy' speaks of God's perfect holiness His complete purity and separation from anything evil. He makes himself as we have said, visible to men, and God in him. Hebrews Holy is the Judge of Creation, all lies bare before His eyes! This verse is a classic example of a chiasmus in which there is an inversion in the second set of phrases of the order of similar words in the first section. He saw Jehovah which is enough to know. (John 8:56 is a little different; Abraham had a vision of the day of Jesus in the future, i.e., in the time of the coming kingdom of God, see Comment). . In the midst of wrath, God remembers mercy. (Listen free online - Isaiah 6:1.mp3 Isaiah 6:2.mp3 Isaiah 6:3-5.mp3 Isaiah 6:6-8.mp3 Isaiah 6:9-13.mp3) (See context in Thru the Bible). In Jerusalem? The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (Lk 5:1). Again the theme is sounded: the Messiahs glory is revealed in His suffering. Ruth That's another way of saying that theology matters. 38) until 686 B.C. Thankfully, through salvation, Jesus Christ clothes us with His holiness so we can stand forgiven and clean in Gods presence. Nashville: Thomas Nelson). From his viewpoint he was right, and he won the match against them. Comparing this text with Jn 12:41 (discussed below), it is clear that Isaiah saw Jesus, Who is Jehovah of the OT. But now power is in question, and it is not the Lord (Adonai) but Jehovah (Lord) who answers (referring to creation power)and Jehovah said unto him, Who hath made mans mouth? Six wings had they, these messengers of Him. God sometimes, in righteous judgment, gives men up to blindness of mind, because they will not receive the truth in the love of it (see 2Thes above). In a vision, Isaiah saw God's holiness and glory, and he was utterly overwhelmed. All rights reserved. Isaiah 6 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise) - Christianity Isaiah was a contemporary of Hosea and Micah. Sold by preacha_dave | Ends on 2023-03-09 22:33:33 . 120: Sam Smith, Stillwater, dec. Isaiah Jones, Bixby, 5-2; Evan Rodriguez, Broken Arrow, dec. Cameron Kiser, Ponca City, 4-2 126: Kaleb Collins, Broken Arrow, dec . Nashville: Thomas Nelson), Holy, holy, holy - The Seraphic attribution of holy in triplicate is the Hebrew way of denoting "intensity". John says, Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus glory and spoke about him (John 12:41). John MacArthur shows you why Isaiah 53 is rightly called the first gospel, foreshadowing the writings of the New Testament. He is waiting for us to reply, "Here am I; send me." 15) and explaining the present situation (in chs. This people in context is a reference primarily to the people Judah and Jerusalem (Isa 1:1), a people of unclean lips! Their mouths were not filled with seraphic worship but with flippant repetitions and self-justifying excuses. At the same time his holiness encompasses His moral authority, which derives from His royal position. Helplessness is one such attitude. Note that it was more important for the seraph to equip Isaiah to be a soul-winner than to praise God. in context of judgment - Da 8:13-note, Da 12:6-note) - Isaiah knew that God would not cast off His people forever (cf Ex. Beloved, perhaps it is not your mouth, but your wandering eyes which need to be cleansed of defiling, pornographic images. Man can only see God as He has revealed Himself. I think many Christians have never felt like they were called to do anything for God because they have never been cleansed. Tame' describes that which has become ceremonially impure by not following the Levitical laws properly or who had come in contact with something that rendered him unclean. (f) give a ray of hope in times of disaster and hopelessness. The mission is to catch persons alive. The Greek title, Doxa Kurion, is translated as the glory of the Lord. Doxa means brightness, brilliance, or splendor, and it depicts how the Shechinah Glory appears. 4:19). He was the One high and lifted up on the throne, and He was the One lifted up on the Cross. TODAY ALONG THE WAY- Its a staggering thought to realize that naturally unholy people like us can look forward to sharing heaven with our sinless God. Perhaps we could expand our paraphrase: "Otherwise they mightrepent, and be restored, and they certainly wouldn't want that, would they? John Macarthur 1995 Audioband ""Die Vergessene Seite Gottes"" Isaiah 6 Used by permission. But when Simon Peter saw that, he fell down at Jesus' feet, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord! (Rev 15:8-note). Remember you are Gods sword, His instrumentI trust, a chosen vessel unto Him to bear His name. ", Ray Ortlund -As this awareness forms in Isaiah's mind, he blurts out the obvious conclusion: "Woe is me!" Shane and Shane To speak of God's judgment is a "heavy" responsibility for Isaiah, and for believers today who are sent to give forth the "good news", remembering that the Biblical pattern is first the "bad news" (See Ro 1:18-3:20) and then the "good news" (Ro 3:21ff "but now"). Isaiah contributes nothing; all is of GodThis touched your lips and your iniquity went. In heaven? Vine feels that "If we are to engage in any particular service for the Lord, we can render it effectively only as we freshly appropriate to ourselves the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice of Christ for the cleansing of our hearts from sin. From the Hebrew root, meaning "existence." As far as we know, Isaiah did not literally proclaim these exact words. God is spirit (John 4:24). Rockland/Westchester Journal News. The representative of the grace of GOD to needy men flew swiftly to tell of His saving favor, based upon the atoning sacrifice. I saw the Lord sitting on a throne - How? john macarthur - Sermons Online - Results from #840 GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point Furthermore not only was Isaiah himself a man of unclean lips, he was a member of a nation with unclean lips. Patricia Krenwinkel - Manson family member serving life sentence for murder. On the surface it seems to indicate Isaiah's hardening ministry will prevent genuine repentance. In a vision? His conscience was burdened by a sense of personal weakness and failure. (Ed: Truth be said if we went and told exactly what Isaiah was to go and tell, keep listening but do not perceive, etc, that message would not be well received! The Gospels More than any other prophet, Isaiah provides data on the future day of the Lord and the time following. Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. John MacArthur For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. They are already rebellious and hostile to God. Charles Ryrie says that the glory of God"is the manifestation of any or all of His attributes. TODAY ALONG THE WAY - Isaiah 6 is not the kind of text we can just read and put down. Does the Lord really want to prevent his people from understanding, repenting, and being healed? 4:8). though the darkness hide Thee, Job 14:7ff. When he saw what Jesus did in supplying such a huge haul of fish, he recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Yet the Lord would preserve a remnant, like the tenth, holy to him. Mercy Me, I can only imagine what it will be like 1 Timothy 2Above him stood the seraphim. Their main objective was to fulfill the wishes of their master. One to the other called and praised the Lord: Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! However, Israel's blindness is not permanent. When I walk by your side After Paul met the Lord, he no longer saw himself as a self-righteous Pharisee, but as a lost sinner in need of salvation. The third presidential term of Franklin D. Roosevelt began on January 20, 1941, when he was once again inaugurated as the 32nd president of the United States, and the fourth term of his presidency ended with his death on April 12, 1945. The Septuagint (LXX) translates the Hebrew with the noun doxa [word study], in simple terms means to give a proper opinion or estimate of something and thus the glory of God expresses all that He is in His Being and in His nature, character, power and acts. Why? This interpretation, which holds in balance both Israel's moral responsibility and the LORD's sovereign work among His people, is consistent with other pertinent texts both within and outside the Book of Isaiah. Major Prophets This has nothing to do with innocent people being kept from salvation. 40 "Comfort, comfort My people," says your God. (See context in Balancing the Christian Life), I like the way Puritan writer Thomas Watson described God's glory. At times it may be hard for the believer to follow God, but life will be far harder for those who harden their hearts and refuse to listen to God's voice. 3 John Isaiah received the message of chapter 5, and in ch. 4:1-7+; Rev 11:19+; Rev 15:5-8+). As Motyer says "Typically of Isaiah, hope is the unexpected fringe attached to the garment of doom." (, The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. Series: The Gospel According to God. You come to the Father through Christ. Jacob said, I have seen God face to face (Gen. 32:30). There is a lot happening in this chapter of Scripture. 27:1, 2). Isaiah 58 - Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible - Bible In the setting of death, God prophesies there will be life. God is under no obligation to forgive all sinners. 20:12ff. The Lord healed Hezekiahs critical illness, as Isaiah had predicted (38:5; 2 Kin. Criswell -This verse describes the extent of the destruction as nearly complete. Jesus is the Sun which reveals the pollutions and defilements which are within. Unto Us A Child Is Born - Isaiah 9:6 Caused By The Lord Child Born Everlasting Father Government On His Shoulders Mighty God No End Prince Of Peace Son Given Wonderful Counselor Comments: Hezekiah: Some commentators look at Hezekiah as the fulfilment of this prophecy. Jan 1, 1984. when he penned the account of Sennacheribs death (cf. Stated another way, God is telling Isaiah that he would be the instrument of Judah's divinely appointed judicial hardening and spiritual blindness! by being cut in two with a wooden saw (cf. Ep 3:8 (61AD) To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ. If you can, use a fall barbecue or bonfire as an opportunity to meditate on the reality of Isaiahs coal. (Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments) (Bolding added), Isaiah had seen the Lord of glory, Who is none other than Jesus HimselfJesus is God, yet He is also a distinct part of the mysterious Trinity, and He is also Jesus the Son. Bible Verse; Newest; Oldest; Most Viewed; Sermon. Make sure this day includes some time alone with the Lord to thank Him for His holiness, and consider what it means to be holy the way He is holy. 0:12. Today in the Word - Apart from Meyou are nothing. (Jn 15:5). Updated-Isaiah: The Promise of the Messiah (MacArthur Bible Studies) 53, portraying Christ as the slain Lamb of God. Therefore, Isaiah's preaching was not needed to prevent repentance! 5:8). John now added the explanation that it was Christs glory which Isaiah saw, and it was of Christ that he spoke. Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God's Word, John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. As in the case of Pharaoh, Yahweh's hardening is not arbitrarily imposed on a righteous or even morally neutral object. Is there not a principle here for believers today? John MacArthur Not one single word of lament for the lives affected by this disease in their community. McGee -Isaiah heard God's call for the first time and responded to it, as a cleansed individual will do. Now must come His righteous sentence: Wait! THE GOSPEL IN ISAIAH Though Isaiah may have been at the earthly temple, this describes a vision which transcends the earthly. You can never come into the presence of the Father because of who you are. Isaiah confessed in Isa 6:5 ("I am a man of unclean lips") and the faithful God in His boundless mercy provided purification and forgiveness of his whole being (not just from unclean lips but from iniquity and sin). Luke-Acts God gave them up. He cut them off from further light. Centuries later, Jesus parables were to do the same (Matt. so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth (He reiterates that this is not God's desire but is their choice), but took pleasure in wickedness (How they behave shows what they really believe). His writing style has no rival in its versatility of expression, brilliance of imagery, and richness of vocabulary. Vine explains that the stump remains and "has life in it after the cutting off of the branches; it can shoot out into verdure again. Despite her best efforts to find help, her terrible condition worsened and she desperately sought Jesus (Mk 5:26, 27). The New Testament As Adam and Eve hid themselves when they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden; (Ge 3:8, 9, 10) so do we shrink from the felt presence of the Lord in view of our own unworthiness and guilt. Like Israel beneath Mount Sinai, the words of his heart are, Do not have God speak with us or we will die (Ex 20:19). Above the throne were stately seraphim; Adonai - 52v in Isaiah - Isa 1:24; 3:1, 15, 17, 18; 4:4; 6:1, 8, 11; 7:7, 14, 20; 8:7; 9:8, 17; 10:12, 16, 23, 24; 11:11; 19:4; 21:6, 8, 16; 22:5, 12, 14, 15; 25:8; 28:2, 16, 22; 29:13; 30:15, 20; 37:24; 38:16; 40:10; 48:16; 49:14, 22; 50:4, 5, 7, 9; 51:22; 52:4; 56:8; 61:1, 11; 65:13, 15, C I Scofield writes on Adon/Adonai that there are two principles that evolve from the relation of master and servant.
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