Lit. Christians wonder why the tribe of Manasseh is usually called a half tribe, as compared to the full, other, nine tribes. The tribe was named after a younger son of Joseph, himself a son of A cedar opens to receive him. Alterth. Having authored hundreds of articles on the weekly parasha and holidays with a readership in excess of 10,000, Rabbi Kahn is also the author of Explorations, an in-depth analysis of the weekly Torah reading, and Emanations, an in-depth analysis of the Jewish holidays. It seems strange that the tribe with such a strong bond with the Land of Israel would prefer to remain in trans-Jordan. And the people of Israel heard say, Behold, the sons of Reuven and the sons of Gad and the half tribe of Menashe have built an altar opposite the land of Canaan, in the borders of the Jordan, on the side of the people of Israel. Manasseh had jordan where there was batter grass for their sheep to graze //-->,