The answer is yes, Sprite Zero has fewer calories (zero) and sugar (zero) than regular Sprite, making it a great option for those watching their sugar and calorie intake. If you feel like youre drinking more than usual, its a good idea to cut back. Recommended Reading: Grapes And Kidney Stones. Consumption of 500ml of a commercially available soft drink, sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup increased vascular resistance in the kidneys within 30 minutes, the researchers found. With carbonated water, you get the same pleasant fizz without the calories and liver health risks associated with both regular and diet soda. Therefore, this mixture may cause gas and bloating in people who ingest it before all the gas has escaped. Fruits to Avoid. Studies have shown the preservative can cause hives, irritation in the mouth, and even DNA damage. While nobody is sure about these side-effects, the ingredient remains very controversial. Sugar-free carbonated beverages can result in diminished kidney function. However, one of the major reasons we believe that chugging Sprite Zero isn't worth it is because it doesn't have any health benefits at all. Sodium, and artificial sweeteners can all have a negative impact on your kidney health if consumed in excess. People who drink soda regularly are at a 33% greater risk of developing kidney diseases. Other factors that can affect the rate at which benzene is formed in potassium-benzoate-containing-foods include heat, light and shelf life. White wine reduced risk by 33%. and the kidneys. In the study, researchers found that the diet versions of several popular citrus-flavored sodas like 7Up, Sunkist and Sprite contained relatively high amounts of a . Kidneys serve as a body filter, removing the harmful substances from the system. It has an interesting taste that some people really enjoy while others can handle without anything else in their diet country soda stream! So add this to the foods you want to avoid while pregnant. When it comes to this category, it is important to keep this word in mind: moderation. Sprite Zero definitely has a leg-up on other sodas when it comes to health benefits. Women who drank two or more diet sodas a day had a 30% drop in a measure of kidney function during the lengthy study follow-up, according to research presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego. Learn here what makes for some of the best drinks for kidneys. Short answer, no diet soda is not bad for your kidneys in moderation. You can customize the meal plans based on a patients eating habits, preferences and any restrictions. The consumption of two or more servings of low-calorie artificially sweetened soda drinks per day by women is said to increase the risk of kidney function decline two-fold. Drinking Sprite Zero can also help with weight management, as it has fewer calories than regular soda. If youre looking for an occasional treat, Sprite Zero is a better option than regular sodas. Also Check: Which Vitamin Causes Kidney Stones. Furthermore, a study of older persons discovered that those who drank diet soda on a regular basis had a 43 percent higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke than those who never drank diet soda. As long as you limit your consumption and dont go overboard, it can be enjoyed as an occasional treat. I very never used to drink, coke, diet coke, coke zero, and diet drinks. Nectar (apricot, peach, or pear; cup servings) Root beer. Although benefits may be associated, the bad most likely outweighs the good. In an 11-year-long Harvard Medical School study of more than 3,000 women, researchers found that diet cola . If you are concerned about your health, or the health of your child, try drinking water instead of sodas and sugary drinks. Your doctor will advise you about your specific circumstances and tailor the treatment accordingly. Recent studies have shown that artificial sweeteners actually increase weight gain. While the use of artificial sweeteners in Sprite might pose health risks, there is no evidence to suggest that these sweeteners cause any damage to the kidneys. Unfortunately, abandoning a couple cans of sodas each day to just drinking water can be a tall order. An 8-ounce can of Sprite Zero contains 34 milligrams of caffeine, while a 12-ounce can contains 54 milligrams. It could be that other unmeasured factors are responsible for both trends observed by the researchers. Kidney health may be one of those things. Here's why you should take a break from Sprite: 1. Sprite Zero does contain caffeine, though the amount is much lower than most other caffeinated beverages. Background. Its important to remember that moderation is key. For people with CKD, elevated phosphate levels trigger calcium levels in the body to drop. Several diet sodas do not contain aspartame, including Coca-Cola Life, Sprite Zero, and Diet Pepsi. While Sprite Zero has no added sugar, it does contain artificial sweeteners, so it is important to keep your consumption of Sprite Zero to a minimum. Kidney function declined over two decades in women who drank several diet sodas a day according to researchers from the prestigious nurses health study. And heavy soda drinkers put themselves at increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease due to the staggeringly high levels of fructose in the average soda.Phosphorus-Linked Kidney Damage. Drinking Sprite may not be great for your kidneys, but it doesn't necessarily cause any harm either. Bananas are not bad for the kidneys unless the kidneys are damaged. So how much is too much? Consuming sugary drinks such as Sprite can have a negative effect on your kidneys. Side effects are common, especially when consumed/done excessively. Aspartame is also associated with seizures, headaches, dizziness, weight gain, extreme fatigue, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, lupus, Alzheimers disease, fibromyalgia, general musculoskeletal pain and multiple sclerosis. We will also get rid of ads forever! This summer I discovered all the syrups at Sonic that you can add to your pop or slushies. There's a lot of high fructose corn syrup in there, too! Water is is also counted, but is necessary for essential body functions. In one reviewed study, the foundation said women who drank two diet . Phosphoric Acid is a colorless, odorless, and corrosive crystalline liquid that gives carbonated drinks its tangy flavor and prevents mold and bacteria growth. Excessive consumption of Sprite Zero can be harmful to your kidneys, as it contains some ingredients that can lead to health complications. Furthermore, another problem with Sprite Zero is that it contains an artificial sweetener called aspartame, and that's been reportedly connected to several health issues. The main difference between category 'A' and category 'B' is the harmful qualities typically present in 'B' items. Side effects are rare. It can also increase your risk of developing kidney stones. Who knows if that is why he ended up the smallest baby I had. Is Sprite a Good Option for Ulcer Patients. Very few, if any, benefits are present. Does Sprite Zero Contain Artificial Sweeteners? Sprite Zero may not be bad for your health, but it still should be consumed in moderation. So when on a fluid restriction it is important to choose your fluids wisely. with chronic kidney disease is even more dangerous.2 Hyperphosphatemia Phosphorus is a mineral essential for the proper func-tioning of the body. At the start of the study, all the women had healthy kidney function, according . Spindrift is the first and only sparkling water brand in America made with real fruit, which is picked from family farms, squeezed, and canned. While these drinks may be . Extracting Potassium. How Long After Eating a Banana Can I Drink Sprite? Drinking Sprite Zero may have some potential risks that you should keep in mind. Recommended Reading: Is Pomegranate Juice Good For Your Kidneys, Recommended Reading: Is Wine Good For Kidney Disease. They also had a higher risk of developing mild renal impairment and requiring dialysis. It can increase your chances of developing metabolic syndrome, which in turn is a major factor in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease. - Cucumber-lemon water. Although the researchers werent able to determine exactly why this would be the case, some possible explanations include increased acidity due to the use of phosphoric acid as a preservative in diet drinks or reduced calcium intake due to additional calories from sodium consumed by those who drink them. Really. Vitamin C is a necessary part of our diet and isfound in many fruit and vegetables. Their median age was 67. It is important to note that even the best things in life can become bad in immoderate amounts. Carbonated and energy drinks have both been linked to the formation of kidney stones. There are many great alternatives to Sprite Zero. Since the onset of its use in the United States, its safety in regards to consumption has been highly controversial. Potassium citrate is an additive found in soft drinks as well as candy and ice creams. You re not off the hook with diet soda either participants in the japanese study drank both diet and the regular stuff. One of the only things that stopped me was that my OB advised that listeria could be present in the mix as frozen coke it is sitting at a similar temperature to soft serve ice cream ! High sugar intake can lead to an increase in body weight, which can put a strain on the kidneys. As per Is It Bad For You, Sprite soda first made its way into stores in 1974 and remains popular today. I have also seen these syrups in World Market and Gordmans if those stores are near you. Sprite Zero was originally known as Sugar Free Sprite when it was first created in 1974. To reduce these risks, make sure to stick to the recommended serving size. While there are some studies that suggest that soda consumption could potentially lead to an increased risk of kidney stones, there is not enough evidence to draw a definitive conclusion. Soda is not good for a persons health because it contains lots of sugar. If you love diet coke or any other diet soda we might have some bad news for you. I am also not a big coffee drinker, I much prefer tea. Just keep an eye on how much youre drinking and you should be good. Sprite Zero was originally known as Sugar Free Sprite when it was first created in 1974. Sprite Zero Sugar contains the artificial sweetener aspartame instead of added sugar. The foundation estimates kidney disease kills more people than breast cancer or prostate cancer. Is Drinking Sprite a Good Way to Relieve Headaches? Answer (1 of 3): All sodas are chemical shit storms and should not be drank by any living being. Additionally, diet soda may impair kidney function due to its . Consuming HFCS has been linked to causing plaque build up, hypertension, heart disease and strokes. Exploring the Benefits and Risks of this Popular Beverage. Its important to drink Sprite Zero in moderation and to always brush your teeth after consuming it. From here, take the following steps: Once youve created your meal plan, click Create meal plan to save it. Its naturally caffeine-free and doesnt contain any artificial flavors, so it tastes great in both hot or cold mixed drinks! It is important to remember that it still contains sodium, caffeine and other ingredients that could potentially have an effect on your health. Suggest improvement or correction to this article In moderation, natural sugars can be good for you, but consuming too much table sugar or too many processed sugars or sweeteners can lead to health problems such as weight gain, diabetes and obesity. Luckily, carbonated water can replace a soda addiction and provide similar liver health benefits to water. Also, diet colas, some root beers and orange sodas have phosphoric acid which could increase your phosphorus and require taking more binders. This chemical creates an acidic environment in your kidney tract, enabling kidney stones to form more easily. So, although something may be rated an 'A+', overconsumption/overdoing can bring unwanted effects. They also play a vital role in controlling blood pressure and balancing electrolytes. Here are five of my favorite drinks that are generally healthy for people with kidney disease: If these cute cans dont draw you in, the nutrition label sure will. As phosphorus is found naturally in many foods, it is more common for people to have too much phosphorus in the body. While Sprite Zero does contain caffeine, sodium, and artificial sweeteners, drinking it in moderation can have positive effects, such as balancing your diet, rehydrating your body, and even providing some essential vitamins and minerals. Diet Dr. Pepper has been my favorite drink for the longest time. While the occasional consumption of regular Sprite has not been linked to any long-term damage, it is important to be mindful of the amount you consume, as it is high in sugar and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Drinking Sprite in moderation should not lead to any long-term kidney damage . It doesnt just matter how much you drink for kidney health but what youre drinking that makes drinks good for kidneys. Its also important to note that, while drinking Sprite in moderate amounts doesnt lead to any long-term kidney damage, excessive consumption of the beverage can lead to certain health issues. This artificial sweetener has been linked to multiple serious health challenges. The researchers also found that women who drank at least two cans of soda daily had twice the risk of developing chronic kidney disease as those who didnt consume any sugar-sweetened beverages. However, no studies have researched this effect. Limit carbonated beverages to avoid the adverse affects on your nutrition and your kidneys. Even if youre not drinking a lot of Sprite Zero, it can still be easy to consume more sodium than your body needs. Sprite 144 ,1 ,1 Sprite Zero 3.6 110 ,1 Tropicana Fruit Punch 130 90 93 Lemonade 120 40 38 Pink Lemonade 170 39 37 Peach Papaya 120 41 93 12-27-2015, 12-27-2015 Written by Dr. Becky Maes | Consumption of milk and juices other than orange juice did not significantly affect the likelihood . Bananas are not bad for the kidneys unless the kidneys are damaged. While it's often thought of as a healthier choice than regular Sprite, . They fail to satisfy cravings and often intensify hunger. Hyperglycemia is a problem among diabetics as uncontrolled high blood sugar can result in the increased decline of kidney function, cardiovascular disease, vision loss, etc. Sprite is a lemon-lime soda produced by Coca-Cola Company. More studies need to be performed. It might also help to cut back on colas. If you are trying to watch your sugar intake, Sprite Zero is a great option, as it has no sugar, and only 1 calorie per serving. Many people who are used to the sensation of carbonation have a hard time drinking still water. In fact compared with women who did not drink diet soda soda drinking women had a 30 greater reduction in kidney function in 20 years. Things rated an 'A+' are typically necessary for survival (for example, water). Moderation is key when it comes to enjoying Sprite Zero, so enjoy it in moderation and stay healthy! Also Check: Is Grape Juice Good For Kidney Stones. It is found primarily in the bones . Diet soda is fluid and thus counted towards your daily total. What Is a Sprite in Gaming? If you eat and drink foods containing these ingredients often, you can be at risk for various benzene health consequences. It also contains added sugars, including high fructose corn syrup, which is a source of added calories. Some use sugar and sweetener together. There is sodium added to these sports drinks that has to pass through the kidneys before they are excreted with the rest of the fluids. Aspartame, its been said, can lead to certain types of cancer and may cause symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, seizures, palpitations, and more. 'N' stands for neutral. Researchers analyzing the health habits of thousands of nurses found that women who drank two or more diet sodas daily had a two-fold increase in the risk of a . Cola beverages, in particular, contain phosphoric acid and have been associated with urinary changes that promote kidney stones. Most varieties contain zero or very few calories and no significant nutrition. Because diet drinks do not provide any nutritional value, they will only make you feel hungrier later on in the day. Its important to note that Sprite Zero is still a sugary beverage and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. A sugar replacement called erythritol - used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monkfruit and keto reduced-sugar products - has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack . At the start of the study, all the women had healthy kidney function, according to Julie Lin, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a physician at Brigham and Womens Hospital. So its important to drink Sprite in moderation and to understand the potential risks and benefits of the product. Aspartame consists of aspartic acid and phenylalanine, which when broken down in the system produces methanol, which can be toxic in high amounts. While each of the 11 flavors varies slightly, all of them are low-cal and low-sugar with natural ingredients. So, treating yourself occasionally to a diet soda is fine, but its beneficial to make water your drink of choice. But, nothing can beat the feeling of gulping down that fizzy and refreshing soda after a busy, sunny day. You know sugar has been added by looking at the ingredient list. Sodas. If youre sensitive to artificial sweeteners, or if youre concerned about consuming too much of them, you may want to avoid Sprite Zero. Substituting water with diet coke is not advisable since it can harm your kidneys considerably. Switching from soda to carbonated water is mostly a matter of abandoning the sweet taste. Research has shown that drinking a can of Coca-Cola can damage the body within . In Sprite they use sugar and artificial sweeteners while in Coke only sugar is used to make it sweet (there is a Coke Zero version as well with no added sugar but here we are only focusing on Coca Cola Classic). However, these sugary beverages are harmful for your kidneys, a fact that many of us are already aware of. Because of the presence of this preservative in salad dressings, sodas, and fruit juice, it is almost inevitable that this combination will occur in most peoples diets. Drink in moderation and you can enjoy the flavor of Sprite Zero without worrying about risking your kidney health. It works with calcium to support bone health, kidney function, and the bodys ability to store and use energy. DNA damage, in turn, is linked to many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Note that this is extremely rare and should . Since sodium can act as a diuretic, meaning it can make you urinate more, it can lead to dehydration if you drink too much. Processed foods and beverages often contain non-nutritive substances added to enhance the products in some way, be it for flavoring, coloring or preserving. Things rated a 'B+' may have a few harmful qualities to pay attention to. If you are not sure where to start get empowered with my complimentary NUTRITION GUIDE suitable for both pregnancy and postpartum. I have nothing against Ben or Jerry, many ice creams are high in sugar, I picked it as Dr. Coe loves it, and I too when around him, have it on occasion. And I havent stopped drinking it. The artificial sweetener aspartame is used to sweeten Sprite. Things placed into this category are generally (a) neither good nor bad for you, or (b) lack the necessary evidence to reach any conclusions. . One sip of it added to my Diet Dr. Pepper, and I was totally and completely hooked. Is Sprite Spicy Enough to Spice Up Your Life? Any idea? I, for one, thoroughly enjoy cookies, cake, and ice cream, but I keep it for here and there and not everywhere. An important new finding has been reported from the Nurses Health Study, which is a long term study that found that diets high in sodium were hard on the kidneys, and gave other information about heart disease, cancer risk factors, and the use of hormone treatments after menopause.