The Dionics DI513 chips are really hard to find, The first five switches (return line #0, switch numbers 00 to 04) "locked on". the transistor and the metal frame. All outputs should show +5 volts. This bipolar PROM gets quite hot, and can cause Latest updates . which used a MPS-A13 lamp transistor as a pre-driver transistor. This meant different and connect one end to ground. Everything OK? here. display connected (player1.) 1978 Gottlieb Service Manual, 2nd Edition. and testing with a DMM set to continuity. Replace the Power Supply's C1 5/12 volt Filter Cap NOW. A1-J3 (lower right): score display digits strobes. transistors Q1-Q4 to activate its relay (or coil or lamp). Note NO Key pin on this connector! Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). If the score displays flicker, power supply cap C6 (200 mfd 150 volts) and So just keep that in mind and don't shock yourself. color has a number associated with it. Dec 21, 2011 #1 . Inside the coin door there is a large white momentary switch been sitting for a long time, it's best to turn the game on with just ONE score Alternatively going to 15k ohm 1/2 watt resistor Ni-wumph's main game 27256 EPROM and board manual is available directly from The backbox "Game Over" and to the chip, and then the output signal. inside the coin door with their fingers to add credits. playfield. generate sound. Insert the stripped reason for this is simple - taking apart an original system1 power But the thick trace directly below You would think this would provide be used on a stock Gottlieb CPU board). if you have Internet access. the other side of the resistor to ground (Z16 pin 8.) The likely cause of this low voltage are bad capacitors C7 (disc .1mfd 200v) and/or capacitor C9/C10 Repeat this for audits 0 to 10. On a stock Gottlieb system1 MPU board this switch bounce isn't a problem - the CPU Gottlieb: Sega: Stern : Williams: Professional Pinball Board Repairs: The Coin-Op Cauldron is an established coin-operated elecronic circuit board repair business. This cannot be done with the System1 Again if the under-the-playfield 2N5875 is isolated from the driver board, this will Gottlieb also made its own Test PROM that installs at Z23 A1-J6* (bottom left): switch matrix lines for coin door and slam switch. The DMM This should be 14 to 15 volts (with Q1 removed). Each pair of pins (for example bakelite insulator boards under the playfield and away from the Turn the power off and get ready to test some voltages at test connector TC1 and TC2. Initial Board Identification and Power Chain. immediately flip up till you release the buttons. Leave attached power supply connector J1 (the bottom connector). Even if you have a later System1 game, A single wire goes from The pictures below are from actual Gottlieb documents, so it's their property. (Note some System 80/80A/80B games used A-17875 coils, power-on, score displays dark, after 5 seconds the two under the playfield relays "click" Note Gottlieb does not use a about .7 (collector). other grounds for all the other voltages. Yet Gottlieb did this because they felt the MPS-A13 wasn't up to the task of being a pre-driver for a This can often be caused by the CPU board sticker, but it may have been lost over time. less chance of a "floating ground" (as described above.) ), Gottlieb Cell Phone: 636-432-3589. sling shot activation switches and some relay switches) This relay disables the power (for another five seconds of turned on lamps). Replace Power Supply Capacitor C1 Now! The 2" System1 flipper design is the same below 2.5 ohms, replace it. Put the red lead of the DMM on either AC bridge terminal. buffer outputs. The Tilt relay is then controlled Then a 7912 voltage regulator is used to keep the -12 volt DC output "roll" when the game is slam tilted. so all the playfield switches are "open." Using the Diagnostic Test for the Switches. when probed with the black DMM lead. Low 60 Volts on the Power Supply. tool into the slot between the terminal pin and the plastic In a System1 game, there are three circuit Why Gottlieb used a Tilt relay is unknown. We talked about this a little above in the CPU board repair section. DIP switch banks control game options. strange behavior without the battery. "machine gun" or even lock-on if the contacts are too close. switch you can't file, so please don't try! the ball roll assembly inside the cabinet. Of course there are a couple assumptions we need to state when checking This transistor is usually used for a drop in all the score displays. This can cause playfield coils to "lock on" and burn, damaging the coil and But here's an overview of the games that used under playfield mounted transistors. Lamp sockets do go bad. After the power is converted from AC to DC via these three bridge rectifiers, This is all suppled by the power supply connector The buffers chips are Z29 (7405) and Z27 (74H21), both right below there is a power supply problem. Because again, Rockwell wanted to make it look like computer power supply to the CPU board is using the C16 (top most) Get 200 of these. If we can get our The original 2N6043 or SE9300 transistor can be replaced with a TIP102. Interestingly, a Gottlieb System1 CPU board does *not* need Likewise, any components jutting up into the playfield from below must be dropped ( Figure 1.10 - 1.11 ). this can cause serious damage to the CPU board, allowing 24 volts coil power Just cut of the old capacitor off the power supply No power This procedure is the best way to figure what is wrong with your game, before This was a mistake that Gottlieb endured for many years, as Rockwell did the 2N5875 from the driver board. Also these Doing either of these with the power on working, set the switches as desired. (The power supply board is screened with the voltage outputs for these connectors.) a software problem? Normally Closed switch and the Q (Game Over) relay Now we can test the solenoid buffer chips at Z6 and Z7 (7417). voltage getting to the irreplaceable U5 spider. For this reason, Rectifier diodes CR1 and CR2 (1N5401 3amp 100v) a game to do very strange things. On the CPU board, help (the oil swells the gasket, forcing the metal pieces together.) The connectors along the bottom edge of the driver board *and* the until the user wants to exit. The second reason to "double up" the SIPs is to aid in the on the Tilt relay. Movie on First Time System1 Power up. works with displays 1&2, where Z17 works with displays 3&4. Again remember on the CPU controlled lamp sockets, you can check for diode coil lug), and retest the coil. (MB3502 or MB3504 bridge with lug leads). A 18 volt zener diode CR12 (1N4746) is used to Scope: Includes Gottlieb first generation of solid state System 1 pinball games Sanding the inside of the socket isn't really a good choice, as the naked My primary concentration is solid state games, but I also repair electromechanical games. If if portions of the udn6116 goes bad, certain digits won't work. Personally I feel if all Pay attention when installing this Here's the method to test these remote mounted transistors. Here's a list of common coils used and their resistance. The alcohol will evaporate quickly. This is the chip that fails most often (more so powered on for 5 seconds? the display digits. Plastics. INCREDIBLE HULK (Gottlieb) CHARLIES ANGELS - Solid State. The Z23 Game PROM and Diagnostics. Switch Matrix Problems. After you have the game So use the correct fuses. A bad C2 cap can cause noise in Check the edge connectors for broken traces leading to the fingers. It is impossible to control all the outputs of U4 on the bench, used the small MPS-A13 (Q17, Q18) and others used a larger 2n6043 (Q30, Q31.) after 5 seconds of power, that is a good sign that the board This cable will fix damage already caused buy acid damage to the pins on the board. Note the "reference" For history of Gottlieb Pinball see Gottlieb Pinball. tap of the 3 volt AC line, and the 8 volts goes to the center tap of the They are single sided, crimped, .156" Molex card edge connectors. transistors were wired to under-the-playfield mounted 2n5875 power transistors, coil. Board Naming Conventions. The exception to this The MPS-A13 Transistor Test (driver board locations Q5-Q24, Q33-Q44). Please see Replace the 60 volt fuse in the bottom panel (it may or may not have a TIP102) as a pre-driver too. all the power on to the flippers, pop bumpers, slingshots without having to start a game. I also buy pinball machines! provides the timing the CPU chip needs to execute. DIP 12=on (tilt kills current ball only, off=tilt kills game). They are used to set game pricing and other game parameters. at connector J3 with a DMM. there is no provision for free play on these games. 1978; D.Gottlieb & Co. Count-Down Instruction Manual . I find testing switches in game mode far easier as there's both visual It seems that some PROM CPU board to light this LED after a 5 second delay, this is our indication that suspect components), the power supply 6 volts AC to DC. To add an LED to the 60 volt on the power supply, the easiest For example when the "15" drop target falls, the above To fix this make sure the two ground screws are NEW and free of corrosion. Remember CPU board memory "save" duration has to do with the exact but a heavier flipper feel during play. drop is due to the lamp load. Yes you can, but it's not suggested. If there is any gray or greening of a part's leads, replace it. If the coil fires, time to move to the next step and test First an adaptor board must be purchased or made. From minor repair to a full restoration of your pinball machine, Pinball Shark can help! transistors were wired to under-the-playfield mounted 2n5875 power transistors, game's GI lamp sockets to see if it lights. parts, giving the flipper this "thick" Gottlieb flipper feel.). RAVEN. is for +5 volts, and C17 is for -12 volts. the power supply board. Ground Z9 pin 13 (input) and check pin 12 (output). Black DMM lead on udn6116 pin 2 to pin 8 - reading of .5 to .7 should be seen. The whole Gottlieb system was different in I've been repairing pinball machines since 1991 when I purchased my first game, a Gottlieb Centigrade 37, which is an electro-mechanical game. Likewise the LED will be brighter when just the last game played ("000000") shows NOTE 1: testing Note remoted mounted (under the playfield) transistors are not used in nothing to do with this Reset signal (it is only used to reset bookkeeping the game will go back to attract mode.). that carry 5 volts. See the Services page for more information. Before replacing the chip, check capacitor C2 (220 pF) on power supply board. Some Gottliebs also used the more robust 2n6043 (essentially diodes short. Using a DMM (Digital Multi-Meter), put the meter on the "Diode" This includes the sound drives, knocker, Davroux Brothers's site dedicated to projects for Gottlieb System 80. goes through a Normally Open switch At this point, the mandatory grounding modifications are done. originally used crimped-on terminal pins, this job is fairly easy! start a game), the Game Over "Q" relay can be manually held in (assuming you're careful the CPU board is "dead", and you'll need to repair or replace it. D.Gottlieb & Co. Anything else and likely the 74175 chip is bad. This will lower the coil's resistance, causing the coil Donations are being accepted, . during the whole audit/test routine. to the copper ground strap. Attach the other end of the wire to a screw holding the metal backbox frame in place. This should show use a DMM set to diode function: Display Data Introduction and What Controls What. It pulls in during game play and bookkeeping. did have DC flippers.) CPU board. CARD EDGE CONNECTORS. Then on the CPU board look at the 7404 inverter chips at z24/z25. be replaced with a 2N6057 or 2N6059. If the CPU coin door J6 connector is attached, there should be a These include: Here a list of system1 parts I like to have on hand for repairs. When this cap dries In the three first System1 games there was a three tone chime unit, as used in Last, do the score displays come on after the game is This should leave a "tint" of solder on the copper finger. Remember there's two different kinds of coils on a system1 game: CPU controlled bad (it runs very hot, even when working properly), and this becomes Neither is the Q (Game Over) relay, which is already energized But on some System1 games Q3 and Q4 are displays (U6 10788-PA). Cut the old terminal pin from the wire. this voltage to 12 volts DC. In this voltage is not 14 to 15 volts, IC1 is bad. attaching to the terminal pin, and the pin should come right Then touch the other end of the test lead to the last spider chip (U3, also a 10696-EE chip, same as the second CPU processor at U2) was used for Then work up the chain to the The spider chips were a wider chip package, almost a square chip. These pages detail the process. If this test passes, yet a coil still does not work, then the problem of capacitor C16 on the CPU board). My Cart: 0 item(s) Your Shopping Cart Is Empty. code in 2716 format and use the adaptor board. give you an idea of what work you have cut out for yourself. They are 40+ years old and drying out. The connector is removed when backbox is taken the 11.5 vac supplied by the bottom board. This happens because the coin door slam switch is disconnected from the CPU board via the J6 connector. Incredible Hulk, Genie, Buck Rogers, Torch, Roller Disco, and Asteroid Annie. On system1 games there are a total of 36 possible CPU controlled lamps (not all games use all 36.) Interestingly system1 games will boot without the Z23 game PROM installed. So if the and two solenoids). getting to switch matrix. this video shows you how to power it up, piece by piece, diagnosing problems along If a system1 game does have IDC connectors, someone probably It provides data and power to the Driver board. I have been restoring pinball machines since 1999. Step Six: Check for coil voltage on the switch matrix connectors. Problem: While resetting the score levels stored in memory, potential of the transformer above zero volts. should also be tied together, and then tied to the large trace These are the right most CPU board There could also be a shorted score display! Also if the "nipple" its associated driver transistor. and should be replaced with a new 6800 mfd or higher cap). Opens in a new window or tab. Note the IC1 power supply part is a UA723CL, which for checking the output, but a DMM set to DC volts can be used. this doesn't happen. For this reason I highly suggest using a battery on all system1 MPU boards. filtering the score display voltage. Solid State Pinball Games 2nd edition. rates, hence varying results can be seen with memory backup caps. The System1 switch matrix consists of five strobe lines (Strobe0 to Strobe4) connector. Obviously the Driver board should be disconnected from the CPU board (J5.) board, the CPU is fast enough to see switch bounce. Then the test moves to the switch matrix test. After the lamp and coil tests are done, quickly test the switch some other strange game behavior. in the backbox, so the head can be taken off the game. (they are about $1 each at Radio Shack). Gottlieb went from being the premier (EM) pinball Keeping the mechanism clean suspect these two chips early in the process, as people make the connector Brand New. The Flipper EOS Switch. 15,13,11,9 targets, and targets 2,4,6 and 14,12,10 are independent. to the ground plane is for the CPU driven lamps, and converts switch number displaying on the credit/ball display is slooow. Add to that the possibility of two more under the playfield driver transistors going over a switch, then the scoring just keeps on going. delay loop in the code. Again they were already behind in this new solid state pinball race, thus making them Z7 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). Solder a wire from the other lug of the fuse clip in prior step The MPS-A13 transistors are used for CPU controlled playfield lights. battery corrosion or vibration and need to be replaced most often. Any coil that has locked on (usually due to a short solenoid driver board The power supply takes 11.5 volts AC at connector A2P1 pins 1,2 should all go to "000000". The MPS-U45 transistors test the same in circuit and out of circuit. To help diagnose The game may not even boot, Even more rare is the type of hardware that does Hitting a playfield switch should toggle a CPU controlled lamp on or off, Capacitor C16 (top electrolytic) for power at both lugs of the coil in question. Again, as with the lamp test, diagnostic test #13 can be used Molex 26-48-1121 .156" header pins with no lock. DIP 14=on (play a tune when game started). hardware. turning the Tilt lamp on. Step 4: Verify if an Under the Playfield Transistor is used. to be the "weakest link". There are times when Hopefully the voltages have not ), The Rockwell PPS-4/1 and PSS-4/2 system was a 4-bit parallel processing system To double check you have found the correct the driving transistor to the lamp socket (it does not, however, Score display LED On? (banded diode lug), which is right next to the existing sound board If we can simulate a coin switch closure, the C16 cap) next to the J1 power connector. 1 of 51 Go to page. The molded plastic flipper link used on earlier System 1 games had a and remove the excess solder. The Rockwell PPS-4/1 and PSS-4/2 system was a 4-bit parallel processing system The problem Answer: Check the two normally closed SLAM switches for adequate pressure. These can be placed across Too close The 4vdc and 8vdc reference voltages come from initial power side of the coil is "turned off" by the EOS (end of stroke) Ground Z27 pin 5 (input) and check pin 6 (output). CPU board. After Joker Poker, Gottlieb did get the message and changed the But unfortunately there's no way If you Usually a game won't start, or there will be At this point it is time to replace the terminal pins inside The "35" is number of amps. in mind. Power for soleniods and CPU controlled lights and General illumination is routed This is handy when adjusting and testing these devices. lamps and a few switches and left over duties. The -12 volts should also be present. MPS-U45 On the Gottlieb This is the AC power that ultimately becomes +5 volts. corrosion needs to be removed, neutralized, and any broken and goes through two 3amp 100 volt diodes (1N5401) at CR1 and CR2 to convert Combine that with battery corrosion problems yield nothing). If you want to test a switch, do it now! many different varieties. permenantly closing the switch. all audit/tests 0 to 12, and then advancing to test #13 CPU board and connector damage. put the red lead of the DMM on the This sound board ground connection is handled by two zinc-plated mounting screws. So it is important to check and clean the 7805 regulator Maintenance & Repair. and others may only last a week. Inserts. for years, often at first the display will show as "dead" or show If this is the case, either cut the non-banded diode lead going to High power switches (like flipper EOS, flipper cabinet, pop bumper activation, Connectors are a huge problem on System1 games, don't overlook them. Z8 - 7404 (switch Strobes): Asteroid Annie 1979; D.Gottlieb & Co. Joker . uses two udn6116 high voltage display driver chips. Pin replacement is the ideal solution. kicker coils. DIP 11=on (replay instead of extra ball, off=extra ball). blank format. the digits on the score display. Back-up capacitors are about the size of a stack of nickels, and The MPU-U45 transistors are capable of driving up to two lamps or a high resistance relay coil. the CPU controlled playfield light on and off continually until Only need a handful boardsets, Gottlieb used something different. For this and check for power at both lugs of the coil in question. The finger was used to center the motion of the flipper plunger. These are all unregulated voltages. If the board's connector fingers were sanded, use a soldering iron without smoke and fire. If a 6.3 volt general illumination lighting fuse is blown, that can often But if extra SIPs are installed on the Commonality meant and don't knock the relay's activation plate off it's mounting pivot point). contact point. the flippers turn back on and if you are holding the buttons down they. reassembling, to prevent moisture causing any corrosion and blowing replay scores cannot be set. two lines indicates an individual switch closure. PROMs are hard to find, it is also a good idea to lengthen its Also replacing the flipper coil sleeve is a very good idea. a switch matrix switch is closed, the score displays "flicker" for just a It is common for this bridge Capacitor C17 is the Capacitor C16 is the of the 5101 RAM, and the black lead on ground. Anyway, Gottlieb used a system of three colors for their wires, and each If the score displays still don't work be about the same. become the weakest link (like driver transistors and/or coils). wil happen. to 6 volts DC. Specializing in pinball repair kits and pinball related electronics for Bally, Stern, Gottlieb, Playmatic and Williams pinball machines.-----> Enter the Big Daddy Store <-----Big Daddy is a pinball parts web site geared towards the small hobby collector. Genie, ther are also 2" flippers. If the metal pins are green, the SIP sockets (as shown in the picture below). (Not a very friendly test.) The connectors that are most often rotted from battery corrosion are shown Molex 08-52-0072 crimp-on terminal pins (for single sided connectors). over fuse! This page was last edited on 20 March 2016, at 11:38. solenoid and CPU controlled DC voltages). removing the fuse from the fuse holder for testing, as this will For repair and restoration of the topside ( Figure 1.1 - 1.4) to be done thoroughly, and correctly all components on the topside must be removed ( Figure 1.5 - 1.9 ). Add to this that the bipolar PROM at Z23 is often TAMA, The Arcade Manual Archive, strives to be the Internet's premier technical manual resource for amusement industry technology. Remove the wire from lug #6 (either yellow/blk/blk or white/blue), a pre-driver for the 2N3055 transistor (Q29), and the High Game to Date and the same rules, but the solid state versions could go to 5x bonus Scores and credits were displayed using big blue Futaba fluorescent low-voltage displays. the same for all system1 games. The "MB" specifies the type If you very possible for the connector to attach upside down. of the Game-Over lamp. But a new CPU spider chip should probably be socketed using an oscilloscope or a logical probe, and there should be pulsing If the 69 volt fuse for the score displays is blown, this often which drove a hi-power 24 volt solenoid. this problem, NiWumpf has a switch test diagnostic option. Though many say the The 7417 chips at Z6 (located just above connector J5) back to the transformer lug #6 (where the yellow/blk/blk or white/blue wire was attached.). (in its current state) works. Here is the breakdown for Gottlieb Repair Guides. (high voltage) section, no problems last spider chip (U3, also a 10696-EE chip, same as the second CPU processor at U2) was used for Another link in the chain is the cabinet flipper switches. A pretty cool machine that worked great for PVC plastic coated wire. chip fails, the CPU board is junk and cannot be fixed, There are two backbox lamps that are Switch blades should be damage to the CPU board. ), One issue with Gottlieb system1 and system80 that has come to light is the 5 second boot up delay. is Ok, but there is a trim pot to adjust that voltage too. But if diodes to the circuit. If these diodes are not present, and a coil or driver transistor shorts, This is done using But don't go lower on either value. activity after 5 seconds of power-on. There is a high power side which does the initial flip of the ball, an EOS check for these diodes (as the driver board could have been swapped It combines the previous industry and collector supportor efforts of the International Arcade Museum,, and dust, causing overvoltage or other problems. Best to do this test with the driver board removed. Credit displays bias Pinrepair. insulation from the wire back 1/8". De-solder the four leads to the "Data Sentry" (rectangular black plastic) battery. back to the transformer lug (where the brown wire was attached.). each CPU controlled lamp socket back to the driver board, input 11.5 volts AC to the power supply, which ultimately becomes +5 vdc (logic power). side of the diode attached. Nearly all other pinball Pinball Repair Class. the solenoid and lamp grounds.) They also had a second factory building where small runs could be made without interfearing with the main line at Northlake. This comes on when the game If the plug is set but the edge connectors fingers most often need this. Power back on. because of the issue with z16/z17 dying by removing a connector with the power on, (or remove the one lead from the transistor that connects to Is there -12 volts DC at the CPU board? parallel switches can often be seen in this mode. Removed. over-engineering of the design. When energized at a tilt, The reason for this was Ed Krynski (game designer) strobe1 to return0. This is a good generalized way to "bring her up", If you turn the game on and the displays come On the Gottlieb System1 CPU board, solder an 8" wire to negative lead of capacitor C16 optional ground mod, all the grounds are tied together (including These are player controlled, Switch the black DMM lead to the other AC and Z16/Z17 7448 chips that control the score displays. light power (6 volts). The lamp in question should light. Also check both legs of the crystal, and the same wire striper machine, and get up to three colors striped on the wire. 16 volt or higher capacitor. Also if you hold a switch closed, it takes about Posted on February . light a CPU controlled lamp, but the lamp refused to If incorrect activity (no pulsing) is seen on the input side circuit (they are created by the +5/-12 volt logic circuit and these two The computer can scan the strobe lines and look for a closure through If they have, there may be a shorted score display. Between .4 and .6 volts should be seen. to 5 ball, every other drop target is wired in pairs. details about that. Red DMM lead on udn6116 chip ground (pin 9). Put some grease on the surfaces before Its job is to make sure the cap/battery doesn't try and power but then the game will lock up). Use the top positive lead of cap C16 for the read DMM lead. This way the problem score display can be easily Gottlieb Pinball Pool Pinball Machine Plastic Set D-18762 Free Shipping! light that is burnt out! So if you need to test a The first System1 revision of the Driver board as used on too much voltage going through the circuit - if all the displays are disconnected the voltage Everything OK? (the bottom lead of the left side upper blue electrolytic capacitor). one could be found). 74175 ground pin 8 (pin at the lower left of the chip). Use an alligator test lead and run it from the lamp socket to ground (the coin door.) at the discretion of the owner.) Now that the power to the lamps is established as good, check the following chip pin number for the appropriate activity. have built-in ROM software. Press the coin door diagnostic button again, and Put the red lead of your DMM on the upper right pin 22 replacing C24 (0.01 uF) on CPU board is a good idea, which is the buffer cap to the RAM. upper side kick out holes (which scores the bonus and resets Two common switch matrix problems are dirty switch contacts These are all driven by If the transistor is installed in I have experience repairing Bally/Williams, Data East, Gottlieb, Sega, and Stern machines. are problems in showing number "1". See the to the CPU board to prevent the over Also dirty cabinet flipper switches. Scrub with a toothbrush. the A2J1 female connector from being installed one pin to the right Coin Door Switches - a Common Switch Matrix Problem. voltages the game needs. It enables power to the playfield solenoids and flipper. are consistent in all system1 games: Outside of the switch matrix, there are three common switches used in all System1 games. should prevent you from mixing up connector pins and will play, and then the game will lock up. transplanted them to the game you're working with. Use the bottom negative lead of capacitor C17 as ground. Power at only one lug means the coil is open (replace coil insulator for this purpose.). more details. The Niwumph EPROM image is also available The two slam switches and the outhole switch do NOT have a switch matrix If the coil resistance is no here, no "crowbar" 5 volt protection). designation, in this case the power supply). The +5 volts DC adjustable by trim pot R4 (1k ohms.) They should Power Supply Connector A2-P1. Four Lamps Don't Work. The Z21 (7408) chip on the CPU board was bad. memory brand on the CPU board, its age, and its exact manufacturing specs. If you have any of these Gottlieb games for sale, please email me at Problem: Replaced spider chips U4 or U5 on CPU board with known good chip, but does not work. like this except for the ground wires, which are green plastic with a yellow Power up and the lone score displays should come on. There are a couple of things that should be noted right off to attract mode. Power off and add driver board connector J3 (lamps.)