UNIFORM TEMPERATURE- The geodesic dome form is superior to conventional shaped rooms in sustaining better airflow and a uniform temperature inside. But while a central fire will always deliver some heat to the ice of the igloo, the ice of the igloo will also tend to lose heat to colder air outside.Jan 10, 1997. If heat loss to the outside is fast enough, it may be possible to have the air inside the igloo warmer than 32 F (0 F) and still have the ice remain colder and frozen. Answer (1 of 4): I have never been in a igloo but, here in Norway, we have a saying: "Grav deg ned i god tid" (dig a hole in good time!) Also, Marr cautions, make sure there's enough time between seatings -- at least 20 minutes -- to give the igloo a chance to air out. Why Also, the dome shape offers little resistance to the wind.

Inside an igloo, the temperature is usually around 32 degrees Celsius, rarely getting much colder with people inside.

Inside an igloo, the temperature is usually around 32 degrees Celsius, rarely getting much colder with people inside.